Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)

Foreign Language Teaching and New Media

– What have they Gained?







- The7thMatsu12 Presentations book -


containing the papers and presentations from

the 7th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference, September 22-23, 2012 in Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan

7回松12 プレゼンテーション・ブック

7回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama

Sept. 22& 23, 201292223

Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan

松山市 愛媛大学

December 2012


Issued by:

Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory     ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室発行

For citation:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName (2012) Title-of-the-paper-you-are-citing. In:

Reinelt, R. (ed.) (2012) Foreign LanguageTeaching and New Media – What have they Gained? Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory EU Matsuyama, Japan, p. first page – last page.




主催:ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室、愛媛大学  教育・学生支援機構

Organization: Rudolf Reinelt, Ehime University Center for General Education

All rights remain with the authors








Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)

Foreign Language Teaching and New Media – What have they Gained?


The 7thMatsu12 Presentation book containing papers from

The 7th FL Teaching and Research Mini-conference, September 22/23, 2012 in Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan

7回松12 プレゼンテーション・ブック

7回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama

Sept. 22 & 23, 201292223



Issued by:

Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory

Institute for Education and Student Support

Center for General Education

Ehime University

Bunkyo-cho 3

790-8577 Matsuyama, Japan

-81-(0)89-927-9359 (T/F)



Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan

松山市 愛媛大学

December 2012


Table of Contents                                                                                              page


Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University), Introduction: Foreign Language Teaching and New Media – What have they Gained?                                                                      5


The extended program                                                                                        7


Introductory paper

1. Ron Murphy (Ehime University愛媛大学), Class Activities That Supplement Graded Readers                                                                                     11


2. David Paterson and Harry Carley (Matsuyama University松山大学), Applying Technology to an ESP Course: What have the Instructors learned?                           23


3. Ayako Hiasa (Sophia University上智大学), Desire and despair for losing heritage language: Life experiences of two young second generation immigrants                 28


4. Reiko Okada (Tokai University東海大学), Understanding the difference of cultures to learn the structure of English                                                                                  41


5. Katrin Niewalda (Matsuyama University松山大学), Testing Second Language Speaking                                                                                                        50


6. Shawn M. Clankie (Otaru University of Commerce小樽商科大学) Intrigue, Intellect and Entertainment: The Creation of a Lecture Series to Foster English Language Use at a Japanese University                                                                                           64


7. Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University愛媛大学), Test A includes Test B across abilities!7 Rudolf Reinelt.pdf    


8. Nasim Googol and Mahnaz Armat (Macquarie University) The Effect of Academic vs. Non-academic Extra-curricular Activities on EFL Learners’ Creative Writing   95


9. Mahnaz Armat, Maryam Armat and Nasim Googol (Macquarie University & Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman) Humour Translation in English Cartoons Subtitled into Persian                                                                                                                        100


10. Mahnaz Armat, Maryam Armat and Nasim Googol (Macquarie University & Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman) The Translation of Culture-specific Items(CSIs) in Subtitling                                                                                                                 104


Acknowledgements                                                                                             108


Timeline for 8thMatsu13                                                                                    108


Study scenes from 7thMatsu12                                                                          108


Rudolf Reinelt

Foreign Language Teaching and New Media

– What have they Gained?


The 7th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference, September 22-23, 2012 in Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan consisted of six presentations on the first day, a symposium discussing the contributions on the morning of the second day and four presentations on the second day with three of them using Skype.

Setting out from the initial idea of the role of media as idea gatherer, the contributions covered areas such as reading, writing, translation, culture specific items, heritage languages, different cultures, testing on various levels, lecture series and humor.

This conference enjoyed endorsement by both the Regional Education Development and the International Culture Development sections of the Matsuyama city office. True to this international atmosphere, the presentations over Skype also enjoyed a lively discussion around half the world. The audience in Matsuyama was 20 on both days and also enjoyed a few newcomers, not a bad result considering that no funding was available this time again.


Scientific context

After the September 22nd -23rd conference, in the same way as last year, all presenters and

would-be presenters, who could for whatever reason not come to the conference in person,

were given a chance to write up their presentations and submit their papers. The following is a brief overview trying to place the conference contributions in the scientific context. This is followed by the papers and presentations in the order they were presented.

If a conference has a wide variety of contributions, we may assume that it is representative of its discipline. Trying to establish foreign language learning and acquisition as a scientific discipline, Roche (2005) mentions the following fields:

1 Learning theories

2 learner variables

3 learner universals

4 foreign language acquisition

5 language

6 teaching and learning goals

7 intercultural language pedagogics, and

8 media.


9 language maintenance attempts, and

10 language loss

we may end up with a fairly complete picture of any dealing with language(s) beyond the first one.

New media served as the starting point for this conference and were covered by Paterson and Carley. Many other fields were also addressed and the contributions helped make the conference appear an overview of the discipline of foreign language learning and teaching research. Heritage languages concern the very foundation of foreign language contact (Hiasa) as does the understanding of foreign cultures (Okada). Extensive reading (Murphy), writing (Googol and Armat) as well as humor translation (Armat and Googol) address special skills. Translation of culture-specific items (Armat and Googol) as well as testing (Niewalda, Reinelt) presuppose foreign language acquisition beyond the beginner’s level. The ability to follow English in a lecture series (Clankie) with extramural guests requires foreign language learning and acquisition on yet a higher level.   

Languages concerned this time were German, English, Persian and Chinese, but the relevance is of course for all foreign language learning contexts.

Learners and teachers came from various pedagogical environments, from self-learning (Hiasa) and mainly receptive contexts such as understanding of different cultures(Okada) and following lectures (Clankie) to partially productive extensive reading activities (Murphy), to purely productive contexts such as presentations in ESP (Paterson & Cawley) creative writing (Googol & Armat), oral testing (Niewalda, Reinelt) and translations (Armat, Armat & Googol (humour) and Armat, Armat & Googol (culture specific items)).  

Also, different age groups were concerned, from high schools to university students to adults of higher age.

The contributions this year each address one topic in one field, but with the appropriate abstractions and applications, the ramifications should be informative for other areas as well and update us on various areas of research. Teachers from many walks of foreign language instruction will find interesting information and approaches.

If only some of the plans materialize, this mini-conference has attained its goal. Next year, we may see many new developments and if some of these permeate to alternative ideas or even early results, we should be convening to another interesting conference on September 21 and 22, 2013 in Matsuyama


Looking forward to the 2013 contributions

For the organization

Rudolf Reinelt


           Reference: Roche, J.(2005) Fremdsprachenerwerb. Tuebingen, Francke


Program <プログラム>

Please see the note below (all times are in JST)


The 7th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference in Matsuyama

7回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama


Theme: Foreign Language Teaching and New Media - What have they Gained?

テーマ: 外国語学習及び教授とニュー・メディア


Days of the conference開催日2012922()23()

Convening time開催時間922() 13:00-19:00

                           923() 10:00-18:00


開催場所: 愛媛大学(松山市文京町3) 愛大ミューズ3F 343会議室 

Venue: Ehime University, Matsuyama City, Bunkyo-cho, Aidai Muse 3F Convention Room 343


主催:ルードルフ・ライネルト (愛媛大学 教育・学生支援機構)

Organisor: Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University Education and Student Support Center)



Support: Matsuyama City Board of Education


1 presentation slot: 50 mins (40 mins presentation + 10 mins break) except if requested otherwise by the presenter(s)


Contact address 連絡: <> 0081- (0)89-927-9359



Everything on this preliminary schedule, except the dates and the venue, can be changed: Starting times, ending times, presentation times as well as length etc., and of course the order of speakers.

Please, especially for Skype-presentations, also consider that the schedule is in Japanese Standard Time.

Please tell us your preferences until September 10th.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


For the organization


Rudolf Reinelt

Saturday 922() First day 1日目


Morning 午前 10:00 – 12:00


Organizational meetings and set-up 関係者ミーティング 及び設営 


additional slots 予備


12:45 開会 歓迎の挨拶 Welcome address


13:00個人発表 Individual presentations


@13:00-13:40  Ron Murphy (Ehime University愛媛大学),

Class Activities That Supplement Graded Readers


A13:50-14:30  David Paterson and Harry Carley (Matsuyama University松山大学), Applying Technology to an ESP Course: What have the Instructors learned?


B14:40-15:20  Ayako Hiasa (Sophia University上智大学), Desire and despair for losing heritage language: Life experiences of two young second generation immigrants


C15:30-16:10  Reiko Okada (Tokai University東海大学), Understanding the difference of cultures to learn the structure of English


D16:20-17:00  Katrin Niewalda (Matsuyama University松山大学), Testing Second Language Speaking


E17:10-17:50   Shawn M. Clankie (Otaru University of Commerce小樽商科大学) Intrigue, Intellect and Entertainment: The Creation of a Lecture Series to Foster English Language Use at a Japanese University


F18:00-18:40  Hou Tai-chun (National Cheng Kung University国立成功大学) Facilitation English Writing through Picture Books in EFL classes


18:40– 19:00  Conclusion まとめ


19:00 第一日目終了  End of first day


19:30-  反省会及び懇親会  Welcome party

Sunday 923 () Second day2日目


Opening 10:00-10:20 開会 Saturday summary and Sunday preview


10:30 – 12:00  Symposium シンポジウム:


Foreign Language Teaching and New Media - What have they Gained


Discussants: All presenters, audience


12:00-13:00  Lunch 昼食


G13:00-13:40  Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University愛媛大学), Test A includes Test B across abilities!


H13:50-14:30  Nasim Googol and Mahnaz Armat (Macquarie University) The Effect of Academic vs. Non-academic Extra-curricular Activities on EFL Learners’ Creative Writing


I14:40-15:20  Mahnaz Armat, Maryam Armat and Nasim Googol (Macquarie University & Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman) Humour Translation in English Cartoons Subtitled into Persian


J15:30-16:10  Mahnaz Armat, Maryam Armat and Nasim Googol (Macquarie University & Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman) Translating CSIs (Culture-specific Items)


K16:20-17:00  José Martín Gasca (National University Autonomous of Mexico), From classroom to computer: A comparison between the design of a traditional reading comprehension course and an on-line one


L17:10-17:50  Beena Anil (SDNB Vaishnav College), Teaching Vocabulary through Games – a Study


18:00  Closing address 閉会の挨拶

End of conference 全日程終了

Extension possible 延長可

Contact address 連絡: <> 0081- (0)89-927-9359

Reasoning for the 7th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference in
In this age of internationalization and globalization it is important to use all means and media to bring quality research and innovative practices not only to big urban centers, such as Tokyo, Berlin, Peking or Ney York, but also to smaller cities, such as Matsuyama in the southwest of Japan, with their, despite the ubiquitous internet, still limited opportunities. Thus, as its goal, this conference aims at presenting up-to-date international quality research and learning and teaching methods and practices to the local and regional foreign language researchers and teachers. It is also meant to be a place where local researchers and teachers can present their work, approaches and results to a world-wide audience, in presence or over the internet.
This exchange is crucial in the field of foreign language learning and teaching, as many components of it are simultaneously in a constant flux and keeping up-to-date is crucial: The learners and teachers, the target language(s), the practices employed to implement these, and the research, the methods and their results as they have to be applied.
In order to keep the information available as open as possible, the conference invites all FL learning and teaching related presentations, but every year a topic is proposed. Topics in the recent years included "Into the Next Decade with (2nd) FL Teaching" (2009) "The initial phase" (2010) "Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Places: Schools, Universities and Others" (2011). This year's theme is "Foreign Language Teaching and New Media: What have they Gained".
Ehime University, where the organizer teaches, makes the presentations and/or their write-ups available to the public on the organizers homepage. The presentations from recent years can be consulted by pasting the following link into any browser:
Participating in this year's conference
In order to participate in this year's conference, please send a one page 
A4 abstract of your intended presentation, related to this year's topic or
generally FL learning at teaching, to with
the subject line 7thMatsu12 until Wed., August 1, 2012. Presenters will be
notified of the result of the reviewing process by August 31st, 2012.